
December 30, 2009 § Leave a comment

In vancouver we would joke that when we returned to singapore, we would have to wear bikinis because we couldn’t stand the hot weather. Having withstood the subzero temperatures of rocky mountains and various places like toronto and montreal, and thinking that taipei’s 17 degrees was sweat-inducing, the scorching heat of singapore seemed rather scary.

So I surprise myself that I fit so well in singapore’s weather…at least better than expected. First, I don’t need the aircon. Next, I find myself freezing when the air conditioner blows directly at me when I was out at the bank. In fact, I sometimes think the weather is just nice for sleeping, especially when it’s raining.

In other ways I’m fitting back to Singapore like a glove, or is it too early to say? At least I find myself extremely at home in my house 🙂

I’m appreciating…

  • my bolster
  • the sun setting at 7pm instead of earlier at miserable 4pm
  • singaporean accent
  • seeing malays and indians again
  • the food 🙂
  • the frequency of buses and having a bustop to shelter me
  • just slipping my feet into slippers instead of wearing socks first and then shoes
  • the books and art materials that I didn’t bring with me
  • getting to meet friends again

I’m not appreciating

  • lizards and mosquitoes
  • sweating

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