about me


I’m a 25 year old Catholic woman residing in the eternal summer heat of Singapore. That means no four seasons, which is a pity because I like the freshness of spring, the rainbow of colours in autumn and the awe-inspiring snowflakes of winter. When I was in Vancouver a year back though (see the photo), I missed the heat of Singapore -__-

In my free time, I like reading. Though I don’t really finish reading my books, I have finished smelling them. Those I have smelled include books by Henri Nouwen (The Return of the Prodigal Son), Fulton Sheen (Life of Christ), the Pope, A.A. Milne (Winnie the Pooh), C.S.Lewis (Mere Christianity, Weight of Glory). I also love crafting, staying at home, meeting friends, visiting my grandparents who are great at gardening and cooking, and wandering around and looking for inspiration. My most recent craze is birdwatching.

My dream is to make a living making crafts, which I take great joy and fulfillment in. I would do it for free too (some say that’s the most important thing), but that contradicts the making a living part. Currently, I need all the help that I can get. 😀 I’m into carving eraser stamps(very much inspired by Geninne), papercutting, making paper goodies like cards and bookmarks, painting and embroidery. I’m sure this list will expand.

: o)

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